Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Most famous for his posters of for the Moulin Rouge, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was French post-impressionist artist who dabbled in various art forms such as painting, printmaking, and illustration. Toulouse-Lautrec lived from 1864 t0 1901. Due to a debilitating disease mostly from a family history of inbreeding, Lautrec only grew scarcely to five feet, with child sized legs and adult torso. Lautrec turned to art as means of passing his time as he was unable to physically take part many other activities, and during the twenties years of his art career he produced an estimated 737 canvases, 275 watercolors, 363 prints and posters, and 5,084 drawings (source: wikipedia).

Lautrec's work is best known for depicting the bohemian lifestyle of Paris at the time, and is mostly comprised vibrant buildups of color to create forms, heavily lines outlining figures, and noticeable brushstrokes to create an exciting and lively sense of movement.

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