Sunday, October 4, 2009

Art Experiences

The week I was quite busy and had trouble making it out to some kind of outside art experience. I really wanted to go First Friday in Olde City and check out what was happening in the galleries, but I was really worn out after work so I decided to just rest that night.

I don't know if this counts as an outside art experience, but I do work at an art gallery as a visitor representative, I work Fridays and weekends at the Barnes Foundation in Merion. During my break I decided to browse through the gallery because I often don't a chance to look around because I'm so busy dealing with the visitors.

Most of the Art on display is French Post-Impressionists works, with some artifacts from around the world and and various time periods such as the ancient Egypt relics.

My favorite piece to see is The Postman by Vincent Van Gogh. The colors are very vibrant, it's interesting to the sort of trademark of Van Gogh, the small strokes of color that are used to build up the from and face of the "Postman" and the sense of movement that is created from those brushstrokes.

It's always an entirely different experience to see a print of something and to see the actually painting. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten such a great opportunity to be surrounded by such amazing piece of art on a weekly basis, and getting paid to do so is not so bad either!

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