Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gatherings and collections

So for my collections I've been gathering things that have fallen from trees: pine cones, leaves, nuts, acorns, tree bark and seeds. The trees are from all over, from around my house in Drexel Hill, to some in Media, and from the grounds around where I work in Merion.

I'm pretty behind in the times (read broke) and I don't have a camera to show some solid, hardcore documentation but I've keep all my findings in a nice little plastic baggie and intend to bring it to class tomorrow if that means anything!

I feel like my collection is a little, um, lame....but I dunno, some of the objects have interesting textures like the insides of the nuts and acorn tops. I think they would look pretty interesting scanned and blown up to huge scales.

I was thinking about branching out from the trees to just nature in general, expand the horizons.....or maybe I should go out in search of more trees in more exciting locations for more interesting finds....more, more, more....


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