Monday, September 21, 2009

"Typography Fans Say Ikea Should Stick to Furniture"

This article was pretty interesting and it really went hand-in-hand with the previous Helvetica assignment and movie. It was nice to find an up to date connection to what we did in class. Again it was quite amusing to see people getting so excited and worked up by a typeface. I was surprised that a simple font change could cause such an uproar, I was totally unaware that so many people were so familiar and concerned with typefaces. I guess it goes along with the fact that different typefaces do in fact evoke different feeling from us. This change from helvetic to veranda could make a big change in Ikea's consumer interest.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Memoir Part Deux

...because sometimes i have really awful ideas.
New Memoir = There's no way to escape it.
A bit uninspired, but i think it's pretty fitting in a way.... just not fitting in the uninspired part i hope.

Pretty much the most frustrating experience of my life, word was so fussy.

Monday, September 14, 2009


"You can't escape if you try.”

When I read that in the description PBS posted about the clip, I thought I was going to have a very hard time taking this documentary seriously. I mean the idea of a group of people talking passionately, obsessively, about a font is pretty silly. But after watching a few clips on you tube, my interest was piqued to say the least.

Helvetica as a font is very clean, smooth and simplistic. It's perfect for advertising and for government documents. It entices you as a consumer yet when it needs to, helvetica stays completely neutral, impressional, and professional. This idea was reiterated various times throughout the clips.

I felt the many montages of Berlin where very fitting to display Helvetica around us. I dunno, to me the font seems very “European”, IKEA-like (if that means anything): simple and clean, modern.
I had never realized that we see helvetica in some many places and that it is used many things we see on a day to day basis. I certainly had no idea that it also effected so many people. I don't even think I have that typeface on my computer at home....

Well, speaking of it effecting people, I also like enthusiasm of those interviewed. It was very amusing to see that they were just so passionate and excited by something as simple as a typeface.

In all I found the clips I watched to be very interesting and I would like to check out the full version of the dockumentry.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gatherings and collections

So for my collections I've been gathering things that have fallen from trees: pine cones, leaves, nuts, acorns, tree bark and seeds. The trees are from all over, from around my house in Drexel Hill, to some in Media, and from the grounds around where I work in Merion.

I'm pretty behind in the times (read broke) and I don't have a camera to show some solid, hardcore documentation but I've keep all my findings in a nice little plastic baggie and intend to bring it to class tomorrow if that means anything!

I feel like my collection is a little, um, lame....but I dunno, some of the objects have interesting textures like the insides of the nuts and acorn tops. I think they would look pretty interesting scanned and blown up to huge scales.

I was thinking about branching out from the trees to just nature in general, expand the horizons.....or maybe I should go out in search of more trees in more exciting locations for more interesting finds....more, more, more....


Six Word Memoir

I think I cheated with a hyphenated word.....

I’m the scatterbrained, harebrained, right-brained sparrow.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tyler Experience!!!!!!

Hello, I'm Melissa, it's nice to meet you.

I guess I'll get straight to it, I decided I wanted go to Tyler way back last year in my senior art class when a representative from Tyler came to talk to our class. However at the time I also decided that I wanted to go any other art school looked up on the internet. Needless to say I was very confused about applying to schools and about what exactly I wanted to do. I was also and still am procrastinator by nature so when I finally decided that Tyler was were I would like to be, I found myself on the waitlist.

So for this semester my days at Tyler are spent completing some of my GenEd requirements for Temple, with the exceptions of Mondays with Art Heritage and Foundation computers. I still live at home which is almost exactly an hour away from campus by trolley to el subway to broad street subway. It’s annoying and tiring commuting and I would really like to live on campus, but I’m trying to save some money, and ease up the college debts so I’ll be a little freer to maybe move about afterwards (maybe New York, California, Europe, Japan… Hahah I’ve got a few dreams I’ve been holding for a while!)

I’m very excited to start my time in Tyler, and to get to know everyone!!!!!