Sunday, November 22, 2009

Outside Art Experiences

Today I went to National Portfolio Day because my boyfriend is trying to transfer out from the local community college to an art school, preferably Tyler. The first and only time I had ever gone to Portfolio Day was last year when I was doing the whole getting-in-to-college thing. Going again definitely brought back some memories. Mostly the memories of the waiting, the long, long, longggg, painful waiting, and the anxiety and excitement of getting your work reviewed.

Besides Tyler, my boyfriend got reviewed by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, otherwise known as SAIC. I had never heard anything about SAIC, so it was interesting to see what their programs were all about. According to one of their representatives, SAIC is quite different from Tyler in the way that SAIC is less concerned with the technique aspects of art but much rather the conceptual aspects. SAIC reminded me a bit of Copper Union, who I went to be reviewed by when I went to portfolio day last year. The representative at Copper Union told me that my work need be to driven by an "obsession" and I needed to find that "obsession".

It's just interest how each school does their own thing and as their own ideas on how to go about the process of learning how to create art.

Portfolio day was also a great opportunity to check out the work of some on my peers and a get an idea of what other people around my age are up, and I got some good exposure to different ideas and methods of creating art.

After the Portfolio experience and after grabbing a bite to eat at Reading Terminal, we wandered around the city and moved over to Old City and checked out some galleries until we were completely arted-out for the day.

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